querer arreglar y estropearlo todo

01 septiembre, 2010

la gente no entiende cuan solitario es ser niñx

When I was a kid, I thought I was. I can't believe I'm crying already. Sometimes I think people don't understand how lonely it is to be a kid, like you don't matter. So, I'm eight, and I have these toys, these dolls. My favorite is this ugly girl doll who I call Clementine, and I keep yelling at her, "You can't be ugly! Be pretty!" It's weird, like if I can transform her, I would magically change, too.

"Meet me at mountauk"...No es justo que todo sea posible en una película y no en la vida real.

2 comentarios:

  1. no quiero verte con otros jugar, los manifiestos del futuro no me explicas ...

    me molesta que juegues a ser tan fria


Un poco de amor